Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question: How do I reset my password?
Answer: Go to the log-in page, enter your user name, and then click on the “Reset Password“ link located below the log-in box. A new password will be generated and set to the email address used to create the account. If you don’t receive a new password within your email, make sure it didn’t get caught by your junk mail filter. If your email address has changed since you created the account, contact the portal administrator (address usually list on main page).
Question: How do I download specimen records?
Answer: There are numerous ways specimen data can be downloaded. Any user can use the public specimen search page to define records of interest and then click on the download symbol located to the upper right of the specimen list page. Full data packages for specific collections might also be available through the Darwin Core Archive page listed in the sitemap link (usually at the bottom of left menu). In both these cases, rare species locality data will be redacted, unless you are approve to view that data. If you are a collection administrator, you can download a complete data extract using the Download Backup Data File option available from the main management menu for your collection. The Processing Toolbox option contains a custom download tool for extracting record subsets.