Changes to support multimedia in Symbiota portals The Symbiota Support Hub is excited to announce that audio files will be supported in the upcoming version of the Symbiota code, Symbiota 3.2. Support for audio files was funded by the Academy…
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On Monday, February 3, 2025, the Symbiota Support Hub hosted an informational session with Dr. Wesley Knapp, the Chief Botanist at NatureServe, to help the Symbiota user community better understand NatureServe’s use of and requests to access redacted species data…
Code Updates The Symbiota Support Hub worked throughout the fall semester to release Symbiota 3.1 and subsequently update all SSH-hosted portals to this newest version of the Symbiota code, which includes new features and tools, bug fixes, accessibility enhancements, and a modernized…
The Symbiota* team at the University of Kansas (KU) Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum is strongly committed to providing excellent, sustainable services to the portals, projects, and data communities that we support. We are an academic group active in…
Have you seen the USDA Biocollections Portal? As of 2024, this is one of the newest Symbiota portals maintained by the Symbiota Support Hub in close partnership with the US Department of Agriculture. The USDA ARS Biocollections portal serves the…
In September and October 2024, the Symbiota Support Hub worked closely with Dakota Rowsey, the CSVColl Portal Manager, to host a Portal Advancement Campaign for the Consortium of Small Vertebrate Collections ( Office hours enabled technical support and provided networking…
The Symbiota Support Hub participated in the joint meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) and Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), September 2-6, 2024, in-person and virtually in Okinawa, Japan. Symposia Co-Organized SYM28 Scaling Up Capacity…
Later this month, the Symbiota Support Hub (SSH) will be hosting a Portal Advancement Campaign dedicated to the Consortium of Small Vertebrate Collections (“CSVColl”) data portal community ( As part of this event, we invite prospective portal users to engage with us,…
The CCH2 community showed enthusiastic support for its August 2024 Portal Advancement Campaign. Over the course of the month, Office Hours sessions were attended by 23 unique participants representing herbaria located across California and in neighboring states. Major accomplishments of the CCH2’s…
We’re moving! We are excited to announce that, as of September 2024, the iDigBio Symbiota Support Hub will officially be based out of the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum. The Symbiota Support Hub’s lead PI, Nico…