Symbiota Portals

What are Symbiota portals? Each portal listed below represents a collaborative community of collections and researchers. Most portals have a specific regional and/or taxonomic scope, while others are institution-based. All portals include voucher-based occurrence records, and some additionally include observational data.

Who can join a portal? Symbiota portals are for collections of all sizes—large to small! You may “live manage” your data in a portal and use it as your content management system, or you may upload a copy or “snapshot” of your dataset. To join an existing portal or try using Symbiota in our demo portal, fill out this form and email to let us know you’re interested.

Don’t see a portal that meets your needs? You can deploy and maintain your own Symbiota portal using the open source code and your own IT infrastructure, or you can contract with the Symbiota Support Hub to create and maintain a new portal for you. For more information, contact the Hub at

Explanation of “How do I join a Symbiota portal?” during the Symbiota Support Group meeting for March 2023.
Portal Name & LinkTaxonomic ScopeGeographic ScopeSSH- Hosted*Other Notes
Academy of Natural Sciences Entomology CollectionInvertebrates (insects, other arthropods)GlobalMaintained by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
African HerbariaPlantsAfrica
Algae Herbarium ConsortiumAlgaeGlobal
All AsiaPlantsAsia
American BamboosPlants (bamboos)Western hemisphereMaintained by Christopher Tyrrell (Milwaukee Public Museum)
Bhutan Biodiversity Specimen PortalAllBhutan
Big Bee LibraryInvertebrates (bees)Global
BiodiverseNBAllNew Brunswick, CanadaSpecimens of the New Brunswick Museum
BioGatorAllUF Campus, Gainesville, FL, USA
Bolus HerbariumPlants & FungiPrimarily South AfricaSpecimens of the Bolus Herbarium. Maintained by the University of Cape Town
Channel Islands Biodiversity Information System (Cal-IBIS)AllChannel Islands, CA, USAMaintained by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and Nature Conservancy
Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH2)PlantsCalifornia Floristic Province, USA
Consortium of Bryophyte HerbariaPlants (bryophytes)Global
Consortium of Lichen HerbariaFungi (lichens)Global
Consortium of Midwest HerbariaPlantsMidwestern USA (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)Part of the SEINet Portal Network
Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria (CNH)PlantsNortheastern USA & Eastern Canada
Consortium of Pacific HerbariaPlantsPacific Islands
Consortium of Vertebrate CollectionsVertebratesGlobal
Consortium of Southern Rocky Mountain Herbaria (SoRo)PlantsSouthern Rocky Mountains USA (CO, ID, MT, WY)Part of the SEINet Portal Network
Cooperative Taxonomic Resource for American Myrtaceae (CoTRAM)Plants (Myrtaceae)North and South America
Cretaceous Vertebrates of MadagascarVertebrates (fossils)Madagascar (Cretaceous)
Documenting Ethnobiology in Mexico and Central America (DEMCA)AllMexico and Central America
EcdysisInvertebrates (arthropods)Global
EcoFloras of North AmericaPlantsNorth AmericaPart of the SEINet Portal Network
Flora of WisconsinPlantsWisconsinMaintained by University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gabon BiodiversityAllGabon / West Africa
Great Lakes Invasives NetworkAllMidwest USAMaintained by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Guatemala – Portal for Biological CollectionsAllGuatemala / Latin America
Herbario Virtual Austral Americano (HVAA)Plantssouthern South America (Argentina & Chile)
Illinois Natural History SurveyAllMidwest, USAMaintained by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Indian River Lagoon Species InventoryAllFlorida, USA
Intermountain Herbaria ConsortiumPlantsGreat Basin region USA (UT, NV)Part of the SEINet Portal Network
International Taphonomy Reference Collection (ITRC)Modern and fossil bone assemblagesGlobal
Invert-E-BaseInvertebratesGlobalDoes not include terrestrial arthropods
Lundell Plant Biodiversity PortalPlantsTexas, Mexico, MesoamericaMaintained by the University of Texas at Austin
Madrean Discovery & Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment ProjectAllMadrean Archipelago (southern USA and northern Mexico)Part of the SEINet Portal Network & CVColl
Mid-Atlantic Herbaria ConsortiumPlantsMid-Atlantic USA (NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, DC)Part of the SEINet Portal Network
Minnesota Biodiversity AtlasAllMinnesota, USAMaintained by the Bell Museum at University of Minnesota
MonarchAllGlobalMaintained by the California Academy of Sciences
Mycology Collections Data Portal (MycoPortal)FungiGlobalMaintained by the Illinois Natural History Survey
National Database of Biodiversity of Ecuador (BNDB)AllEcuadorMaintained by INABIO
North American Network of Small Herbaria (NANSH)PlantsNorth AmericaPart of the SEINet Portal Network
Northeastern Asia FloraPlantsAsiaMaintained by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Seoul
NEON BiorepositoryAllNEON field sites
Neotropical Flora PortalPlantsCentral and South America
Northern Great Plains HerbariaPlantsNorth-central USA (ND, SD, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, OK, TX)Part of the SEINet Portal Network
Open HerbariumPlantsGlobal
OregonFloraPlantsOregonMaintained by Oregon State University
Pacific Island Land Snail Biodiversity Repository (PILSBRy)Invertebrates (terrestrial gastropods)Pacific Islands
PaleobotanyPlants (fossils)Global
Paleo Data PortalFossilsGlobalUnder construction!
PteridoPortalPlants (ferns, extant & fossils)Global
Red de Herbarios MexicanosPlantsMexicoPart of the SEINet Portal Network
SEINet New Mexico-Arizona ChapterPlantsNew Mexico and Arizona, USAPart of the SEINet Portal Network
Southeast Regional Network of Expertise and Collections (SERNEC)PlantsSoutheastern USA Part of the SEINet Portal Network
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute CollectionsAllPanama
Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN)Invertebrates (Arthropods)GlobalMaintained by the University of Arizona
Texas and Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria (TORCH)PlantsTexas and Oklahoma, USAPart of the SEINet Portal Network
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium (COLO)PlantsGlobalMaintained by the University of Colorado at Boulder
USDA Agricultural Research ServicePlants, FungiGlobal
The Weevil PortalInvertebrates (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea)GlobalUnder construction! Snapshot data only

*SSH-hosted = the Symbiota team at KU provides the technical infrastructure for this portal