A Decade of Success for the Macroalgae Portal–What’s Next?

With over 400 users, many members of the Phycological Society are likely familiar with the Macroalgae Portal (macroalgae.org), which has served as the central repository for the Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium since 2013. As one of the original Thematic Collections Networks…

Compartiendo la Biodiversidad de Guatemala con Symbiota

Entre la creciente familia de portales Symbiota, el Portal de Biodiversidad de Guatemala tiene un rol prominente en la movilización del conocimiento de la biodiversidad de Guatemala. Inicialmente, el portal fue una consecuencia fortuita de la pandemia global, que dejó…

Sharing Guatemala’s Biodiversity through Symbiota

Among the growing family of Symbiota portals, the Guatemala Biodiversity Portal has an increasingly prominent role in the mobilization of Guatemala’s biodiversity heritage. Initially, the portal was a serendipitous consequence of the onset of the global pandemic, which coincided with…

Seeking Algae Collections!

Do you manage an algae collection? The Macroalgae Portal was recently migrated to Arizona State University servers where it has been updated and is now fully supported by the Symbiota Support Hub, and we’re planning our next portal advancement campaign…

Tag Name & Additional Identifier

(formerly “Other Catalog Number”) In response to requests to associate many numbers (“additional identifiers”) with a given occurrence record, we have released a new field pairing that extends the utility of the old field, Other Catalog Number. Not only can…

Checklist & Dataset Permissions

If you’ve gone looking for a checklist and found an ad, you’ve run into portal spam. Previously, anyone could create a checklist or dataset; unfortunately, this means that spammers used checklists to post irrelevant advertisements on some portals. The Hub…

Symbiota & GBIF’s Data Model

GBIF has been thinking about how to share more complex biodiversity data than what the Darwin Core standard currently accommodates. How does Symbiota integrate with GBIF’s new data model? Katie Pearson and Laura Rocha Prado explain in the following presentation…

GBIF Citation Widget

Among the advantages of publishing your collections to the GBIF data portal is the ability to track citations to your digitized collections. That list of “pros” has grown; now these important metrics can even be displayed on your collections profile…

SoRo Campaign Recap

In May, the Symbiota Support Hub completed its second Portal Advancement Campaign, this time focusing on the Consortium of Southern Rocky Mountain Herbaria (SoRo). Members of the SoRo community have been digitizing and aggregating herbarium data from the middle and southern Rocky Mountain…

Year 1: Complete!

The Symbiota Support Hub has completed its first year as iDigBio’s 6th Domain funded by NSF Award 2027654. Here’s what we accomplished: Summary In Year 1, Domain 6 (D6) established and grew the Symbiota Support Hub (SSH), led by PIs…