New Linkage Between GBIF & Symbiota

At the request of the Symbiota Support Hub, GBIF has recently improved the connection between individual records in the GBIF portal and their corresponding Symbiota records. This pathway prompts GBIF users to comment on records directly in the Symbiota portal,…

TDWG 2023 & GB30

The Symbiota Support Hub participated in two back-to-back meetings this Fall: TDWG & GB30. TDWG 2023 This year the annual Biodiversity Information Standards meeting, also known as “TDWG“, was held in Hobart, Tasmania. The Symbiota Support Hub sent two representatives to…

DES Workshop Report

Addressing Roadblocks and Envisioning Solutions of the Digital Extended Specimen Concept On day 2 of the Digital Data Conference (June 6, 2023), Symbiota community lead Dr. Jenn Yost and collaborators Jorrit Poelen, Lindsay Walker, and Katie Pearson led over 140…

New Data Citation Features

GBIF maintains a robust system to track data usage when your specimen records are downloaded from their portal and cited properly in publications, and this information can now be displayed in your Symbiota portal. A full explanation of how these…

Symbiota & GBIF’s Data Model

GBIF has been thinking about how to share more complex biodiversity data than what the Darwin Core standard currently accommodates. How does Symbiota integrate with GBIF’s new data model? Katie Pearson and Laura Rocha Prado explain in the following presentation…

GBIF Citation Widget

Among the advantages of publishing your collections to the GBIF data portal is the ability to track citations to your digitized collections. That list of “pros” has grown; now these important metrics can even be displayed on your collections profile…

We’re a GBIF Participant Node!

We have become the latest GBIF Associate Participant!Check out the news released by GBIF: