Year in Review

2023 Highlights from the Symbiota Support Hub

This year marked the second full year–and another busy one–for the Symbiota Support Hub (SSH), iDigBio’s team dedicated to the mobilization and discovery of biological collections data through Symbiota portals. The SSH is responsible for increasing the digitization proficiency of Symbiota users through its Help Desk, training events, and tutorials; equally important (but perhaps less visible) are the cyberinfrastructure services provided by the SSH that are necessary to sustain the growing number of 50+ Symbiota portals maintained on ASU’s servers. In 2023, the SSH continuously worked to fulfill these funding-mandated obligations through some of the following activities.

In 2023, the SSH brought together Symbiota user communities by:

Additional “behind the scenes” efforts and resources were put toward:

  • Resolving 1,241 Help Desk tickets with 863 associated tasks for Symbiota users (Jan. 1-Nov. 27, 2023)
  • Migrating 5+ million images for 136 participant collections from CyVerse to SSH-maintained servers for four TCNs (California Phenology Network, Southeastern Regional Network of Expertise & Collections, Pteridophyte Collections Consortium, and New England Vascular Plants) and generating 10+ million web-ready derivatives
  • Onboarding 70+ collections that requested to join one or more Symbiota portals
  • Updating 55 portals to the most recent ASU-maintained version of the Symbiota codebase (some more than once)
  • Endorsing 28 new GBIF data publishers
  • Launching BioKIC Services as one of several mechanisms to help sustain Symbiota services beyond iDigBio’s current funding interval
  • Releasing Symbiota 3.0 in April 2023 with ongoing work toward the release of Symbiota 3.1
  • Hiring two externally-funded Software Engineers (Mark Fisher and Logan Wilt) and one ASU Computer Science (Nikita Salikov) student to assist with development-related needs

The Symbiota Support Hub is excited to continue this work into 2024 and beyond. Keep an eye on our blog for more updates in the upcoming year.

The Symbiota Support Hub
Katie Pearson, Lindsay Walker, Greg Post, Samanta Orellana, Mark Fisher, Logan Wilt, Ed Gilbert, Jenn Yost, & Nico Franz

All metrics reported in this post are current as of November 27, 2023.

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