The Symbiota Support Hub participated in SPNHC,
May 28-June 2, 2023, in-person and virtually at
the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, CA.

The Symbiota Support Hub organized one symposium and contributed several presentations to the annual SPNHC meeting. The Hub was also available at the SPNHC Data Help Desk throughout the conference.
Presentation Recordings
Tips and Tools for Managing Digital Biodiversity Specimens (featuring Symbiota)
organized by Katie Pearson and Lindsay Walker
Symposium presentations appear in the following order:
- Symbiota Tools to Support Digital Extended Specimen Curation by Katie Pearson, Nico Franz, Ed Gilbert, Samanta Orellana, Greg Post, Laura Rocha Prado, Lindsay Walker, & Jenn Yost
- The Madagascar Paleontology Project: A Novel Use of Symbiota by Kristen A. MacKenzie, Nicole Neu-Yagle, Bakoliarisoa Rakotozafy, Hasina N. Randrianaly, David W. Krause, & Lindsay J. Walker
- The NEON Biorepository Data Portal: New Symbiota developments and workflows to enable discoverability of extended specimens and samples for large-scale ecological research by Kelsey Yule, Edward Gilbert, Azhar Husain, Andrew Johnston, Rosie Liao, Laura Rocha Prado, Laura Steger, & Nico Franz
- You’re it: tagging specimen images in Symbiota to facilitate their use in research by Colleen Smith & Katja J. Seltmann
- Leveraging the Symbiota platform as a digital flora by Linda Hardison, Katie Mitchell, Thea Jaster, Stephen Meyers, & James Mickley
- Integrating iNaturalist Observations into Symbiota by James Mickley & Linda Hardison
- Symbtk: A toolkit for Symbiota by Philip J. Anders, Andrew N. Miller, & Scott T. Bates
Demo Camp
Built-in Tools in Symbiota Portals for Quick Data Publishing to Aggregators
with Katie Pearson