Digital Data at ASU
If you’re attending iDigBio’s Digital Data Conference at Arizona State University, several Symbiota-coordinated sessions and events will be happening that week, including: a SEINet Luncheon (register), Symbiota Skillshare, a themed discussion/workshop on the Extended Specimen, a tour of the BioKIC natural history collections and NEON Biorepository, and more. Check out the conference agenda here.
Meet the Hub
Members of the Symbiota Support Hub will be attending several in-person conferences this summer. Look for us at the SPNHC Data Help Desk (May 28-June 2), iDigBio’s Digital Data in Biodiversity Conference (June 5-7) (described above), and Botany (July 22-26). We love to chat about all things Symbiota–come find us!
Conference Posters
If you would like to represent your portal community at a conference, we have created poster templates for several portal communities for this purpose. Contact the Hub if you would like us to work with your community on a new poster design. Shout-out to the SERNEC and Macroalgae portal communities for being the first to do this!